
WESTERN WI | Adoray's Love Lights Fundraiser

Saturday, December 5th, 2020 | 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm


Keep the memory of loved ones bright this holiday season with Adoray’s Love Lights Fundraiser!

Love Lights make memorable holiday gifts and offer a unique way to honor or memorialize family, friends, or beloved pets while giving back to the community.

As each gift is made to the Adoray Home Health & Hospice Love Lights Fundraiser, an ornament is added to the Love Lights Trees in the windows at Adoray’s Treasures from the Heart – Baldwin 2 store. The list of Love Lights gifts are displayed in the window and will also be named in the Baldwin Bulletin after the Lighting Ceremony on December 5th. All donors will receive a commemorative ornament with a dedication card that can be picked up at the Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 5th or mailed after the event. A picture of your honoree can be included on the dedication card by emailing it to by Wednesday, December 2nd.

A special Love Lights Tree Lighting Ceremony
will be held on Saturday, December 5th at 5 p.m.
outside the Adoray's Treasures from the Heart – Baldwin 2 located at 815 Main Street, Baldwin, Wisconsin
(Event will be live streamed on facebook and be recorded for later viewing).
Guests are welcome to stay in their car and listen to the program as well as stand outside the store socially distanced.

Celebrate family & friends as Love Lights shine in our community!

To make a contribution:
All donations benefit patients and families being served by Adoray Home Health and Hospice, and are tax-deductible as allowed by law.


Adoray's Treasures from the Heart


Learn more about Love Lights at